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The light of the unseen window, through the shower curtain, is as prominent as was the light of the window in Ullman's office. I've commented on the furnishings of the apartment before, but will elaborate a little more. Foreshadowing in THE SHINING - film analysis - YouTube He fears the possibility of divorce more than anything else. STUART: very highly. Oh, it's still hard for me to believe it actually happened here, but it did. 56 MS Overlook hall. Foreshadowing is a plot element that hints at something to come later in the story. Kubrick would have appreciated the presence of a Mirror Lake at Mount Hood considering his interest in doublings. There are distinct differences between the Ahwahnee and the Overlook but undoubtedly the Ahwahnee and the Overlook are siblings. We hear a familiar "beep beep" that resonates with the childhoods of so many who grew up mid 20th century and realize that Danny is watching a Roadrunner cartoon. The janitor is shown in the boiler room boosting the temperature so that, while the audience is watching films on people near dying of thirst in the parched desert, the viewers are also experiencing extreme heat that provokes thirst, and this boosts refreshment sales dramatically. I'm going to use this line of thought as an oblique in to bringing up Jim Barrie again as regards Kubrick's choice for using an apartment complex called the Kensington for the Boulder scenes, which provides links to Peter Pan and not only certain aspects of its story line, the perpetual return of Peter Pan, but even the questionable circumstances surrounding Jim Barrie's relationship to the boys and Peter Llewelyn Davies, in 1960, committing suicide by throwing himself in front of a train when he was laboring to put in order letters and documents concerning the family and their relationship to Barrie, his plan being to publish them but also destroying more than 2000 letters written between his brother Michael and Barrie as he said they were "too much". Thus, two parties are starting to be defined: on the one hand, Jack and obscure characters of the Special World, pertaining to the true adventure; on the other hand, Danny, Wendy and Hallorann. What is unusual about The Shining is also the fact that we have a threshold crossing of sorts inside the first act, when the protagonist and his family settle in the Overlook Hotel. Is the desirable state one of equilibrium, such as had at the equinoxes? When the novel begins, the Torrance family is teetering on the edge. In the first tricycle scene the red floors of the hallway may be a subliminal foresight of the river of blood, which Wendy sees in the films climax. 43 - The kitchen viewed behind Wendy. Lighting a cigarette, a Virginia Slims, Wendy's hands are obviously shaking. My husband had uh been drinking, and he came home about three hours late, so he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood that night, and, well, Danny had scattered some of his school papers all over the room and my husband grabbed his arm, you know, to pull him away from them. 27 - The varying tone of Bill's suit is due film processing. If Danny is unconvinced that going to the Overlook is a swell idea, she is attempting to use Tony to convince him otherwise. THE DOCTOR: physically wrong with Danny. In the 119 version, the alcoholism problem is absent: the liquor that Jack asks Lloyd for and then drinks seems to be desired only in order to dampen his anger, with no other implications. Foreboding, naturalistic, surreal, horrific, suspenseful, and voyeuristic. In her words, From May until October I was really in and out of ill health because the stress of the role was so great. With the equinoxes, it is the simple incessant progression of time that brings balance and then imbalance. 11 Crossfade from the office to Boulder exterior. A reader has also written to let me know that there seems to be a "sha" sound when Dick is driving through the snowstorm to get the Snowcat. Its a common psychological device in film, sometimes referred to as foreshadowing, and has been used by suspense masters like Hitchcock. He took one of his fathers bloody hands and kissed it. 44 - Wendy reassures the doctor that everything is fine. The four letters are I H W H, or Yod, He, Waw and He (a silent letter). THE DOCTOR: Why not? The two most distinct instances of the sound here are during the two reaction shots of Jack, when he's saying his wife and child will love it there, and then again his reaction to the idea of the tragedy occurring because of people shut in together over long periods of time. Do people operate in a free will universe or a mechanical one? In the Gold Room Jack meets Lloyd the first ghost he sees who acts as a Threshold Guardian. The red painted hall that she walks down just prior to seeing the river of blood is also a subliminal to this effect. I don't think it's as certain that Danny sees himself. We are treated to several ghostly paranormal tales told by individuals who keep entreating the architect to stay. 22 - Bill, Stuart and Jack in Ullman's office. However, though these sounds surrounding the "sha" are not always distinguishable, when they can be heard they are always the same. OK? This is one of the things that the Interview makes a focus, the battle of humans and the lodge against nature. -Jack tells Wendy that he fell in love with the hotel the first time he saw it and felt as if he'd been there before. THE DOCTOR: Have you been in Boulder long. Sometimes they see things that havent happened yet. Of a person against a red background, it may look Mayan or Aztec influenced if one doesn't know its provenance. Can destiny be altered? THE SHINING (1979) analysis by Rob Ager - Collative Learning The expectation of something disquieting builds. Kubrick Corner further points out that the Avis car rental pamphlets on the counter beside Jack could be taken as echoing the name Jack Davis. 80 MCU Wendy. Hood in Oregon. The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park Colorado, upon which Stephen King based his book, was built instead by Freelan Oscar Stanley. ), In 1983, King told Playboy, Id admired Kubrick for a long time and had great expectations for the project, but I was deeply disappointed in the end result. It may purposefully be an image that gives a double reading. Moreover, Lloyd is the first Ally encountered by Jack in the Special World (Grady will follow). According to the Drummerman site, the music played during Danny's vision is Krysztof Penderecki's, "The Awakening of Jacob" which concerns Jacob falling asleep and having a terrifying dream of angels ascending and descending a heavenly ladder. (Only!) The Shining (1977 Novel) essays are academic essays for citation. (13:32) The viewer perhaps believes Danny is seeing the elevator, the girls, and then himself screaming. (15:41) Danny feels lonely since he has nobody to play with, and he is reluctant about going to the hotel, but he cant oppose the project. (Though King himself isn't much of a fan.) In The Shining we have the train roar with its two whistles, followed by the other one with its two whistles, and Kubrick leaves out the last big white light roar and crash. Its the most difficult role Ive ever had to play.. The Bijou Cinema having been revived (somewhat), the new owners enter one day to hear the projector running and a piano being played. And, if so, how long can such an equilibrium be sustained, and what throws it out of balance? Then there is Jack himself as Dannys antagonist, representing what the boy may become if he does not accomplish his own journey. The timing of the first "sha" begins at 327, a permutation of 237, the number of the dreaded hotel room that Dick warns Danny away from. The characters never actually interact with the window. There are windows on three sides. The former aim dissolves during the second act, while the latter, proper to the Ordinary World, deviates gradually to its correlative in the Special World i.e., Jacks duty of evil caretaker, which entails killing his family and maybe achieving immortality, as we will learn eventually. Again, this is a room that was standard for its time and fitting in with the simple construction seen in apartment complexes that haven't any architectural frills. Sometimes they see things that havent happened yet. (4:57) A couple receives an old movie theater as an inheritance. 83 MCU Doctor. A 197 minute read at 130 wpm. When we later see the boiler room, which is also a kind of ramshackle office with an old desk and refrigerator, Bill, as he is represented by Kubrick, seems he would ill fit in with that setting and its numerous girly pin-ups. I'm quite sure there's nothing JACK: Well, huh, that is quite a story. 32 MCU of Jack. The characters accept the window and, trusting the characters, the audience assumes this must be an external wall. On the window sill of Danny's bedroom is a yellow rubber duck of the same kind we viewed in the bathroom, but the angle of the shot is such that though the bathroom is visible we're unable to see if the duck is still in that room (I would imagine it's not). The bank owner who's told this is surprised by the fact, and it's explained to him that the reason there are two is that they are being drilled from opposite sides of the mountain to meet in the middle. "Flock of Loons" is also seen near the secondary exit/entrance Wendy and Jack use to exit the lodge toward the end of the film. (3:27 crossing into 3:28) The second thing that happens is a subtle audio cue. As with The Shining, that film, too, is all about deja vu. At the end of the heros journey there is the Return with the Elixir. The camera then gives us a view of a grouping of seats about a television set and a second grouping of seats beside a sign in the background that is difficult to distinguish here but reads "Camera Walk". Alas, well never knowKubrick never addressed this question before he died. 44 MCU of Stuart. STUART (off-screen): schoolteacher. The furnishings and the dining room and living room are spot on. Just thought I'd draw this up as I always want to think of the hall to the bedrooms as running parallel the wall of the kitchen with the plumbing fixtures though it's not. JACK: Only in a very general way. THE DOCTOR: Now, Danny, when you were brushing your teeth, do you remember if you smelled anything funny or saw any bright flashing lights or anything at all strange? Everything is shot so that anyone who has ever gone in to interview for a job will feel the cool banality of the situation and the pedestrian but anxious experience of how to relate with and put your best foot forward for this new sub-group of humanity with which you've just come into contact. There is little distinction between reality and the fantasy that cartoons and toys inhabit, and so it is with a child's mind until about the age of five when they begin losing their baby teeth and their thinking becomes less fantastic and more reality based. GOT FB AND CONTACT INFO. WENDY: Well, let's just wait and see. This ark eventually came to rest on a high mountain. If it's not a female form it may show at the bottom two or three human silhouettes against an unknown background. Is he a guest or an employee who would lead the camera walk? (7:52) Two brown leather chairs face a large brown desk situated before a bright window on the sill of which appears to be a wood carving of an eagle or other predatory bird. Now, come on, tell me. DANNY: You do too know. Relieved, Wendy sighs and smiles. Based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King, The Shining is about a family who takes residence in a secluded hotel for the winter during its off season. For example, Ullmans office has a window to the outside, but there are rooms surrounding the office, making that window impossible. Jack's phone is black whereas Wendy's is white. In spite of being an enjoyable horror film that evokes myths and fables, The Shining does not present a rigorously canonical dramatic framework. JACK: I don't believe they did. He doesn't just cut it out, he jumps a few seconds into a following segment, letting us hear the elastic kind of sound (like rubber bands) of one of those boxes with a handle you press down so TNT goes off, and there's a big explosion that follows that in the cartoon but Kubrick cuts that out. At least, to the best of my memory, that's how I perceived it upon first view when the movie was released. -Dick tells Danny that there is nothing wrong with Room 237, but he also warns Danny to "stay out." The elevators are fairly faithful representations of those at the Ahwahnee Lodge, a difference being that Kubrick's have the arcs above, the half-circles which show story placement. It also worked well with the circa 1920 building we were living in. All three are incredibly sympathetic characters. There is an article in the issue about incest, so the most common theory is that Kubrick was subtly implying that Danny may have experienced sexual abuse. We note a low glare of light on the face of the desk between Jack and Bill Watson, prominent enough that it almost takes on a sense of phantom presence. A Dramaturgical Analysis of The Shining - Senses of Cinema On a pragmatic level, Jacks desire concerns completing his tasks, namely writing his novel, being the caretaker, and in the third act killing his family and Hallorann. 7 - Kubrick briefly revisits the group by the door though he need not have. The feel is of stripped branches arranged into what is supposed to be of utilitarian function, but it's rare to be unable to guess how an object may be used. Wendy accidentally lets the doctor know how screwed up their family is. This is a good example of Kubrick weaving multiple metaphors into a single shot. THE DOCTOR: Did Danny adjust well to school?