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2.12) Which of the following does not apply to the role of a medical assistant? D. All of the above. It attempts to control costs by modifying the behavior of providers and patients. d. Solved Question 69 (1 point) Which of the following | 1. 26. Integrated delivery system (IDS) B. Biosecurity is the principal method to mitigate (prevent, reduce) disease outbreaks. HEDIS data also are the centerpiece of most health plan "report cards" that appear in national magazines and local newspapers. E) In the past, healthcare focused primarily on prevention of illnesses since it was covered by insurance. These range from structured staff model HMOS to less structured preferred provider organizations (PPOS). To create flexibility in managed care plans, some HMOS and preferred provider organizations have implemented a _______, under which patients have freedom to use the managed care panel of providers or to self-refer to out-of-network providers. Select all that apply. is a nonprofit organization that contracts with and acquires the clinical and business assets of physician practices; the _____ is assigned a provider number and manages the practice's business. Professional standards review organizations (PSROs). A. Livestock are resistant to heat stress. A) Managed care systems control the cost of care with a lower quality of care. Preauthorization and/or precertification for all hospitalizations and continued certification if the patient's condition requires extension of the number of authorized days A) Managed care systems control the cost of care with a lower quality of care. Managed care plans implement _______ as a method of controlling health care costs and quality of care. d. C. Do not dress animals with vests, blankets, and othermaterialsthat would prevent them from sweating. Doctors Without Borders b. Accreditation organizations develop standards (requirements) that are reviewed during a survey (evaluation) process that is conducted both offsite (e.g., managed care plan submits an initial document for review) and onsite (at the managed care plan's facilities). Non-Profit Bylaws Last revision 09/27/2022 Formats Word and PDF Size 6 D. Landslides rarely affect agricultural property. Visibility, because only external customers should be considered. Storing patient care information: All of the primary purposes of the health record are associated directly with the provision of patient care services. Which of the following statements accurately describes disaster assistance? Three patients arrive at the free clinic in need of the same medication, but there is only enough in stock for one person. Which of the following statements are considerations for managed care organizations? results. _______ were created to manage benefits and to develop participating provider networks. Patient care delivery 2. Which of the following statements is correct regarding disasters? B. It is the result of a joint venture between hospitals and members of their medical staff. Which of the following best describes the connection between ethics and health care financing? retire without receiving actuarially reduced benefits. A) cost containment C) healthcare rationing B) fragmentation of care D) knowledgeable consumers, 21. B. 9. Managed care plans also require the development of patient care plans for the coordination and provision of care for complicated cases in a cost-effective manner, which is called __________. a. information disclosure regulation b. establishing minimum standards and monitoring compliance, The Smallville Mall has assumed the responsibility for payment of liability losses caused by Chuck's Famous Pizza to attract the pizza chain to the mall. Individual Practice Association (IPA) HMO. Even when a storm serve has flooded a pasture land, livestock can be left to graze without concern for injuries. Federal agencies are usually activated directly in response to requests from local emergency managers. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) reviews managed care plans and develops report cards to allow health care consumers to make informed decisions when selecting a plan. C. Pre-existing economic difficulties can exacerbate the impact of disasters on livestock farmers. EPOS are regulated by _______ (unlike HMOS, which are regulated by either the _____ or __________, depending on state requirements). A) the healthcare institution itself C) American Medical Association B) Board of Healing Arts D) State Board of Nursing, 14. is a tool used by more than 90 percent of America's health plans to measure performance on important dimensions of care and service, makes it possible to compare the performance of health plans on an "apples-to-apples" basis. Definition. c. Do you think Krauthammer fairly characterizes libertarian thinking? Showing C. Volunteer organizations are the only source of disaster assistance at the locallevel. managed care plans because of restrictions placed upon their freedom to treat patients. Case managers do not use the nursing process. B. C) The nurse is considered the "gatekeeper" in the managed care system. D. All of the above. PPO enrollees can also receive health care outside of the network if they are willing to pay higher costs. Additional paperwork for specialists to complete and the filing of treatment and discharge plans Select all that apply. D) Pension benefits attributable to the employer, s contributions are not taxed until the employee retires or, 2) Beta Corporation has 1,000 employees eligible to participate in the firm, employees are considered highly compensated. The attachment of preauthorization documentation to health insurance claims submitted to some MCOS. The group plan will pay a portion of the employee's expenses B. Under extreme heat conditions, livestock require less than 10%body weightof water per day. a. which of the following statements describes managed care? Safety and crime information on Cambodia | CountryReports, AIRTEL Call Details ? B. Managed care is categorized according to six models: exclusive provider organizations, integrated delivery systems, health maintenance organizations, point-of-service plans, preferred provider organizations, and triple option plans. manages the delivery of health care services offered by hospitals, physicians (who are employees of the _____), and other health care organizations (e.g., an ambulatory surgery clinic and a nursing facility). C. Intensification of U.S. dairy production has manifested itself as lower productivity of individual cows. A person receiving healthcare insurance from his employer knows that he should check the approved list of contracted healthcare providers before seeking services in order to receive them at a lower cost. C. Annual property loss resulting from thunderstorms, including damage to farms and barns, is estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars. an organized effort by health plans and providers to use financial incentives and organizational. is a physician or health care facility under contract to the managed care plan. Fixed-price reimbursement is a feature of managed care. In Canada, almost all people are insured against the cost of all hospital and physician expenses through a government health insurance program. Which of the following statements about managed funds is NOT correct? Managed care organizations (MCOS) impact a practice's administrative procedures by requiring: Separate bookkeeping systems for each capitated plan to ensure financial viability of the contract B. Thunderstorms and their consequences are common, but rarely create problems. b. I. Essay: Managed Care: Promise and Concerns | Health Affairs Up-to-date lists for referrals to participating health care providers, hospitals, and diagnostic test facilities used by the practice The nurse may make a referral to what member of the healthcare team? which of the following statements describes managed care? Personal preparedness is rarely effective at minimizing losses from disasters. 2. 29. B. 3. B. single payer systems. Managed care plans are a type of health insurance. efficient and lower cost manner. which of the following statements describes managed care? All parties should foster an ethical environment for the delivery of effective and efficient quality health care. Point-of-service plan (POS) Crop insurance to protect against the effects of summer storms. Which of the following are effective MITIGATION (reduction, prevention) activities for farms? View the full answer. Health plans, purchasers, clinicians, and the public share responsibility for the appropriate stewardship of health care resources. The company has collected the following information on product sales: Total Polices Gender Location Female Male Northwest. The report card contains data regarding a managed care plan's quality, utilization, customer satisfaction, administrative effectiveness, financial stability, and cost control. June 30, 2022 . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Explain whether or not scientific methods are sets of procedures that scientists follow. Enter all missing letters, pred __ __ t \hspace{1cm} prophe __ y \hspace{1cm} __ __ ___ __ cast. D) profession and income. A patient has a private insurance policy that pays for most healthcare costs and services. This type of health care financing is commonly called: Which of the following health care financing systems has a strong focus on the principle of autonomy? The owner of an escaped animal may be held liable for damages his/her animal creates. Health maintenance organization (HMO) C. FEMA is a primary source of education on disaster management in the U.S. If the enrollee sees a non-managed care panel specialist without a referral from the primary care physician, this is known as a self-referral. Compute the expected value of the damages and fill in the chart below. Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 - April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974.A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as a representative and senator from California and was the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower.His five years in the White House saw reduction of U.S. involvement in the . a. A. b. Most countries charge a tax on an individual's income as well as on corporate income. Contracted health care services are delivered to subscribers by individual physicians in the community. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. A. but the retirement benefit is not known in advance. Also called independent practice association (IPA) HMO, contracted health services are delivered to subscribers by physicians who remain in their independent office settings. Unused balances "roll over" from year to year; if an employee changes jobs, he or she can continue to use the HSA to pay for qualified health care expenses. D. The USDA responds to disasters that threaten national food production, processing and distribution. 30. II. 8-10.doc - 1. Which of the following statements accurately describe an 19. Prior to scheduling elective surgery, managed care plans often require a _______; that is, a second physician is asked to evaluate the necessity of surgery and recommend the most economical, appropriate facility in which to perform the surgery (e.g., outpatient clinic doctor's office versus inpatient hospitalization). All definitions of institutions generally entail that there is a level of persistence and continuity. usually offered either by a single insurance plan or as a joint venture among two or more insurance payers, provides subscribers employees with a choice of HMO, PPO, or traditional health insurance plans. ayudar a los otros pasajeros I get so confused." 7. A coup d'tat (/ k u d e t / (); French for 'stroke of state'), also known as a coup or an overthrow, is a seizure and removal of a government and its powers. If the physician provides services that cost less than the capitation amount, there is a profit (which the physician keeps). b. c. In which of the following ways have cost-containment issues affected the delivery of healthcare in the U.S.? A. Health care is provided in an HMO-owned center or satellite clinic or by physicians who belong to a specially formed medical group that serves the HMO. 2.8) Which of the following best describes the type of medical office practice in which providers network to offer discounts to employers and other purchasers of health insurance? C. Planting deep-rooted ground cover is an effective mitigation measure against landslides.