If the source of the mutation has reached the 20 mutation limit, then this mutation chance is lost and a new iteration (if any are left) begins at #2. If you actually want to breed for better stats it's best to ask for advice from another person I understand how to do it have done it many times. This is all indicated on the HUD when looking at a Fertilized Egg, along with its parents. Saves your creatures to you device so you can view them later. then if you want to go beyond that, you can breed for mutations. If you didn't record the pre-leveling stats and have since leveled up the parents, it will be a little harder to do but you can still find out what stat mutated. When the above conditions are all met, a small red heart icon appears over the heads of the mating creatures, and a mating bar appears on the female's HUD (look at the female to reveal the HUD). All rights reserved. . Keep your original male aside. It would be a god tier stamina and oxygen rex with severely below average health, weight, and food and average melee for level 600. So, you cannot breed your 450 level max breeder with a level 15 dino in order to try and get a low movement speed stat. As you can see, every doubling of mutations moves the 1 left. Until adulthood maturity, Beelzebufo babies must always be kept inside water. + you have 2x more females for breeding, because you are not separating them. Thanks. OK so in a different thread about taming and the pre/post tame stats breeding was mentioned a few times. Getting a level 1 Rex. If this check fails, this mutation iteration is complete and a new iteration (if any are left) begins at #2. Even if i am on a private server with boosted settings to make mating and hatching quick, the odds seems to me very little to get he right mutation on a egg. So you have a Male with your Health stat and another Male with your Melee and you mutate them separately mating them with clean females. I want it fast but not stupid fast plus I want the option to 100% imprint still. So for the perfect egg we need a male one, with a . HOW TO BREED FOR STATS AND MUTATIONS! Rather, they are a combination of the parents' mutation counters plus any actual mutations expressed when the baby was hatched. With the release of Genesis: Part 2, the introduction of the Egg Incubator (Genesis: Part 2) allows for yet another way to incubate eggs. But I think I may care if I am following what they are saying.. haha.. there's a limit of 20 mutations on each parents side, once exceeded you can no longer get mutations. Mutations are random stat boosts and color changes applied to offspring when breeding tamed creatures. Therefore their feeding trough must be topped up every 26 hours to continue their development. In short, to mathematically maximize your mutating process, you want the following results for health: Now that you have 20 mutations into health and 20 into melee that are "real" you can combine them and get a 40/40 baby because at this point your chance to mutate already been halved. So the offspring inherits 4 levels for its melee damage (as both parents have 4 levels in this case). If we add in the remaining 61 levels on movement speed, this would make sense. This may be more helpful if one survivor is constantly whistling not to move, and another survivor enables the creatures nearby to wander. I feel i should warn you that the breeding for mutations process is hands down the most grindy thing in this game. Could a low level creature with 3 mutation in a stat used to transfer these mutations on a high level creature to increase its stat-values? Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. However, they all have the downside of providing negative Heat Tolerance, making careful management necessary, or going to colder areas to make the gap between cold resistance and heat resistance bigger. Babies hatched from Egg-only taming (with the exception of Deinonychus) only take a specific food until they fully mature. Also, I think I have noticed that Torpor behaves differently. Whats Max Wild levels your find on official serves? Ark Survival Evolved Mobile. (Or maybe I am, I'm bad to explain things or understand them) You don't want to have all your stats together. But wait our baby has 3 markers but only carry 2 Health mutations and didn't get the mutated melee passed on. Why did my baby creature get +2 levels in a stat, but the colors seem to be the same? One of the parents is chosen as the source of the mutation, this is based on the stat picked from the parent, with a 55% chance that the weaker parent (in that stat) is chosen. this way the mutations are never duplicated, and are always stacked to 1 side. I left officials the day they became legacy and never ever connected on the new cluster and I have no regret about it; so the 450 limit no longer apply to me as well. Also note that the invalid color IDs 0 and 227 can rarely be rolled. The Ancestry screen for each creature shows a mutation counter on both the Matrilineal (mother's) and Patrilineal (father's) side. We specialize in full-blood Savanna goats. Are we certain that the variable for each stat is a single byte address? Here is an example showing some possible mutation counter results for Mutated and non-Mutated babies: Because the mutation count is stored as a signed 32-bit integer it's possible that mutation counters will be expressed as a negative number. However, everything has its drawbacks: the Dimetrodon is slow and hard to transport on foot; they are hard to tame due to where they spawn and their fast torpor drop. That means looking for a dino between levels150-160 to tame with max effectivness, in order to get a dino at 225-240 level. All rights reserved. How to tame Therizinosaurus in ARK: Survival Evolved. Lets focus on just one stat for now to keep my puny brain from getting confused. Cyberknight, December 19, 2018 in General, I've done a lot of reading on breeding and watching youtube and have bred my fair share of dinos, so why not try to make a guide from what I've learned and applied (note some of the information may be incorrect so any rectifications are welcome as Wardrum loves to let us figure stuff out for ourselves). Compare stats and colors of both parents, the pre-leveling stats to be exact. Drag the kibble from the inventory of the cooking pot to your inventory. If multiple mutations occur, they may affect the same or different stats. The probability for at least one mutation in an offspring whose parents both have less than 20 matrilineal and . Let's only look at the melee damage of a pair of Raptors. Get a low level creature that has 0 levels in each of the stats you aren't interested in, e.g. This prevents them from walking around in the meantime. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Take in example you have Theriz pair that both have the following stats combined: You breed them together and get the following baby: Now let assume that this baby was a male and that you mate him with a clean female (0/40 Markers) and get the following baby: Now you have a mutation into both stats, awesome! I got a mutation without even trying to. You can also use the "Whistle Stop (All)" command (U on PC). I find a male rex with very good HP 40 or whatever points. The higher their melee damage, the higher their insulation bonus is; at ~1000 melee damage, it can even raise Wyvern eggs. Ark has made the game that if a tamed wild has lost levels due to taming efficiency its babies will regain those levels (randomly) and only for Generation 1, Breeding Base Stats is the Stats a Wild Dino (Generation 0) has after Perfect Taming (before any leveling up by you or a Baby Dino has at birth (before imprinting by you ) this is the raw stats your breeding to improve and is, So you now have your Generation 0 (Wild Tame) Male and Female (Both Lvl 44) and each have their own random stats, so now its time to breed them to get the all best stats from both parents onto one baby e.g Male. and at official rates it could take 6 months to a year (guesstimated) to get your mutationsdepending on how creative you get with your breeding box to stack as many females into it as possible. If multiple mutations occur, they may affect the same or different stats. For example if the mother has 20 wild levels in melee and the father has 30 levels, it is 55% likely that the offspring's melee value will initially (before mutations) be set at +30 levels. The breeding interval of a Brontosaurus is 18 to 48 hours. Selective mutations breeding for a very long time. Standing Torch, Torch, Campfire, Industrial Cooker, and stone fireplace work well. So i'm breeding overmutated male with all stats with 40 clean (19 mutation and lower) females. Super Kibble (Bronto Egg) is a type of Kibble exclusive to ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile. it only keeps track of the number of mutations not what mutated, and even if the mutated stat doesn't transfer the counter does. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Emma Thorne Drugs used to target HER2-positive invasive breast cancer may also be successful in treating women in the first stages of the disease, researchers at The University of so once you have the stats from mutations in your 3 lines, you breed them together and ignore the mutation counter cause it no longer matters. Now I am trying to learn more about this. It happens to be that I just tamed a lvl 66 bronto aswell. if you breed them together, the mutation counter will double without actually receiving a new mutation. The best method to ensure eggs are at an appropriate temperature for incubation is through insulation. *Now has icons for creatures and items. The color mutation must be the golden color since one parent is white and the other a tanish color. Other possibilities are a level 41 Baby with only health leveled up, a level 31 baby with only weight leveled up or a baby with level 1 and nothing leveled up. Note: This formula is an estimation and may not give exact numbers (the error is around 5%). Cobretti Jul 16, 2017 @ 5:04am. I don't think that separating mutation is faster, because you have only 1/7chance to hit good stat and then you have 55% chance to get it on your higher stat from both parents. [4], The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps. While their food drops down slower than other babies, feeding them with their usual food will not replenish their food. but you have far more patience than me doing it at official rates. Withoutusing your guide and without using pheromones. This can be very useful if you settled in a region with extreme temperatures as it's especially difficult to cool an egg in a hot biome without an air conditioner when it gets too hot. im also fairly new to breeding but am at the point where i have what i need to begin breeding for bosses. Anything above that gets erased at server maintenance. All Activity; My Activity Streams . The signing bit is then reversed and a negative number is observed. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Additionally, mating multiple females to a single male at the same time can make this worse. Like i said before, the mutation counter is just a counter. You should mutate the stat you are looking for every 290 eggs (mathematically but still random). Baby carnivores are especially difficult to raise as it takes a minimum of 48 real hours to mature them, and a stack of meat spoils every 26.6 real hours (40 x 40 mins) in the feeding trough. And do the offspring have the parents color if it is not mutated? (I don't speak spanish). breeding history and mutation stats are available and a 20/20 mutation rule apllies, which in all likelyhood applies to mobile also. By combining your stats for mutating purpose you ends up with ghost markers which results into twice as more eggs needed to mutate a specific stat. (May require taming a few low level Rex's and breeding them together to get 0's in all of the stats). The first step of breeding is having two opposite sex creatures of the same species for mating. I dont need the family tree, just to know where I am at on the 20/20. Since temperature gradients can be very extreme between regions, easily reaching 20C or more, you can try and find a nearby biome where the temperature is closer to the eggs' ideal point; this is usually in the biome that spawned the creature. In conclusion, my concern is about what lvl dinos to tame. Breeding for color Such a super creature needs to look colorful too. The maturation progress and phase is shown when looking at the creature. Any attempt to pull it out even as Adolescent will easily kill it. all the while keeping a non mutated pair, and the top mutated male from each separate line. This scenario will not happen in the normal game flow since the parent that carries the mutated stat will usually be the one whose stat is higher. If I have only 1 stat or 0, I just kill them. Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. Breeding down is a whole different thread, On official(or at least on my server), the tame lvl cap is on 450. Search: Ark What Do Featherlights Eat After Tame. the Argentavis) can carry babies, which allows you to quickly reposition the little ones if needed. say you have 1 rex with 45 points in health, but only 20 point in melee and another rex with 20 points in health but 45 in melee. Next step is to get a perfect pair Generation 1 breeder so you now use the born female (daughter) and breed it with your generation 0 male (father) they will have some stats exactly the same but you're now looking to breed a male with exact same stats as Generation 1 Female (daughter), why so you can start breeding for those crucial mutations you will need to breed your super dino. They need lots of food because the babies eat very quickly, so stock up beforehand while the mother is pregnant/the egg is incubating. Great guide. Oxygen, Food, Weight, and Speed. pretty sure that's how you do it too. My experience is that the lower level dino has to at least be 1/2 the level of your higher level breeding stock to get any of the higher level stats. For your breeding stock and to get the best stats, tame level 300 dinos if possible. Ensure the mating animals remain close together, as otherwise the mating stops. The Rock Drake in Aberration requires at least 15 Air Conditioners due to its very cold incubation requirement. Meaning that we ends up with 5 Markers for 3 real Mutations. For further insights see the External links section. 2. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and do not require the usual taming processes associated with wild creatures. Thus breeding them will give you either more identical stat female to breed with the male to increase your chances of mutation, now you keep breeding them and wait for a mutation to occur. 3. The insulation effect stacks with other Dimetrodons, so if one isn't enough to do the job, try two, or three, or more. This means that an offspring can have higher values than its parents in stats that get a bonus from taming effectiveness (for most creatures this is Melee Damage and sometimes Food). Babies dynamically gain more HP, food capacity, and carrying capacity as they mature over time. I have played for years but never took much of the game too seriously on the taming/breeding side since it was really just tame and go kill stuff. loading.. Times for Breeding (Incubation) Dino. Use one or more Air Conditioner, Dimetrodon, Kairuku or Otter. And to do so, you don't combine your stats until they are all dirty above 20 markers. The creature must be fed by adding food to their inventory. If all colors of the baby can be found on the parents, then you have a "wasted" color mutation. Baby tame creatures (from breeding, not from stolen eggs e.g. These are the two types of Mutations you can get in Ark Survival Evolved. Dont kill off Generation 0, 1 & 2 Breeders they can be used to breed different mutation Line or fix a line if you pass 20/20 mutation. You are using only half females, because 2nd half is used for different stats. This interval is indicated on their HUD. If multiple mutations occur, they may affect the same or different stats. Wyvern) inherit a base mutation counter value from each parent. The raptor had 252 melee and 255 speed. Hello everyone, I've been watching some breeding videos on YouTube cause I want to begin some serious mass-breeding, I've one doubt : should I imprint every baby or not? We've been breeding and selling goats since 2004. So, knowing that stats are randomly allocated you want to trank & tame dinos as close to the Server Max Level you can find to gain the spawn level ups (The Golden Taming Rule is "IF ITS LOW ITS NO") and when wild dino tamed you also gain more random taming level-ups depending on the efficiency you tame it at. Breeding the best wild stats together is the first reason for breeding. The offspring of domesticated animals can have random stats boosts and color changes when tamed. e.g: I find a level 30 Argie, Perfect Trank it then Perfect Tame it Argie will wake up tamed and Level 44 with all 44 level-up randomly allocated. The fertilized egg itself only begins Incubation when dropped onto the floor/ground or placed correctly in an Egg Incubator (Genesis: Part 2). But with their breeding you are not producing any dinos in process. Your on Medium he asked about Hard, let's start with the basics.. Also we are talking about breeding/mutations, not leveling dinos.. On ARK Mobile Official Hard Servers, the max tame level is 450. Ark: Survival Evolved is largely focused on getting getting the best possible Dinos for yourself and your tribe. So from what you said then yes it's the yellow/gold colouring. Seems like it makes a difference and I am very OCD/Analytical on how I do things. However, they will only mate with members of the same house (they must have the same 2-3 last letters in their names). If the baby happens to inherit these higher stats, it inherits 70 levelups giving it level 71 with its starting level. Perfect Trank is when tranked dino takes No further damage after it becomes unconscious, either from you firing another trank dart or arrow, you accidentally punching it or a wild dino taking a bite. clarify this: if the final baby of both rex lines is maxed out, can you find a wild rex with no mutations and breed it with the line in order to get more mutations, or will that even work since the baby is already fully mutated? #2. Regardless of whether or not a mutation occurred, the process is repeated twice more. So far my results have been really good, but I am always trying to improve. TURTLE MUTATIONS! Whenever the baby attacks an entity, a portion of its food will be lost. After at least 3 generations a creature with the best of the stats can be bred. All rights reserved. 1. One of the most effective ways to do that is through breeding. (This step along with the next three are repeated for three iterations.) Accumulated imprinting values will not be lost if you miss an imprint. Color Mutations are mutations that change the base . Very good post and based on everything I've found and experienced it seems accurate. Remember not to try and feed the babies with stim or narcoberries because they won't eat them. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. If babies are not very promptly claimed and then fed they can quickly die from hunger. This can take quite a long time so be prepared and have time to sit around feeding a baby. Displayed are only the wild levels (the ones that can be inherited). (Or maybe I am, I'm bad to explain things or understand them) You don't want to have all your stats together. It is that if both parent have 20 out of 20 mutations (which were unable to see on mobile) no further mutations possible. How to get mutations, recognize mutations, and understand how colors and stats are affected by mutations!Hey everyo. By Building a pen of a suitably small size to keep the wandering creatures within mating range of each other is one common approach. In this way, you can achieve mass breeding in an area without ever building a pen, or moving creatures. Note: The goal of this process is to obtain a level 449 creature that has NO levels in any stat except the ones you explicitly want. Creaturer Maturation. separate lines is better. I reallyoverthink stuff my apologies. Effects can be disastrous if not cared for properly. In the mobile version of ARK, you can craft kibble at a Chef Station or TEK . 1. `maturationRatio` is the maturation percentage divided by 100. When considering creatures as potential parents, if the creature's combined mutation counters (Matrilineal + Patrilineal) is greater than 20, then any potential mutations which have that parent as the source (Step 3 above) will automatically fail. All this is true because a mutation adds +2 wild levels to a random stat, mutates a color region at random, and ticks up the mutation counter. It is possible to use the Dino Leash, to restrict the range for mating. Babies are hatched/born unclaimed, so a survivor must "claim" them immediately after birth by getting close to them, looking right at them, and pressing the "use" key (E, , ) to imprint them, otherwise they can be claimed by other survivors. I will try some of the programs again to see if I can get them more accurate. never breeding 2 dinos with the same mutations together. Ark Console Guide The Gen2 Bronto Egg is categorised as Egg in Ark: Survival Evolved. then you breed that female back with the male to try and get a male/female pair that both have 45 points in melee and health, now both your rexes have the same mutation. ARK Mobile News; ARK Mobile Forums; ARK Mobile Incident Report; More . I will always recommend to keep your stats separated and never duplicate markers until you have 20 that are mutations in the stat you are looking for. Does it matter which male or female has the target stat? Please. So let's keep the conversation following the absolute bestcase/ideal scenario for obtainedin the best possible super mutated bred imprinted kills everything and it's mother tame. When incubating, a Fertilized Egg must be kept at a certain temperature range depending on the species (this also factors in insulation). Child1 inherited random stats, ChildMax only got the maximum values and ChildMin only got the lower values. if when breeding your example rexes above together, say you get a female with a mutation. Hatch Mult. In this case the goal was to get high levels for health and melee, so every health or melee mutation was used. The same stat may be affected twice (+4) or even three times (+6) if you are especially lucky! Ahh okay I understand a littlebetter now. The (practically impossible to reach) maximum of levels a baby can get would be 223 levelups (149 natural + 74 by taming bonus (TE of nearly 100%)) in each stat, with 7 stats summing up to level 1562 (223 levelups in 7 stats plus the startinglevel: 223 x 7 + 1 = 1562). This is not an option for live birth creatures, so make sure to time the mating and gestation appropriately. Mutations are random. Accounting for 99.8% taming effectiveness on a lvl 300 tame, the max one can get is 149lvlboost, leaving essentially no levels to alter the stats. Do you have one that you use? Less common colors recognized in the United States include roan and palomino. Patience is advised as the bar moves in leaps and bounds. For most dinos, you want to maximize health and damage, but there are other stats you may want high also. The only exception is the Reaper King, which can only be claimed by the survivor who "gave birth" to it; no other survivor including the birthgiver's tribe mates can claim it. The real "limit" for mutations is 255 pts per stat. 1y. You will immediately see that baby has mutation as it will be born 1 or 2 levels higher than parents (1 level for stat mutation & 1 level for color mutation, if neither stat dormant), now you compare baby stats with parents and if the mutation is a stat or color you want to keep it to become a generation 3 breeder but still continue breeding the generation 2 perfect pair for more or different stat or color mutation. Once it reaches Juvenile however, it will stop randomly attacking and can be ordered like every other baby. Like the parents, the offspring has 4 levels in melee damage, but with the higher taming-effectiveness-bonus its value is 150.5% instead of 143.6%. Ok dude, you know what you're talking about lol. They don't inherit the plain value, but the levels the parents spend in the stats before being leveled up by a player. . Ideally, they (especially the females) should all have the same stats and 0 on their, Get a mutation in the stat you are looking for (e.g. I also keep the lines separate. Why here Ark mobile breeding become vague because on other other formats (PC, Xbox, etc.) The ark wiki has every animal plus the colour region's they have. Amount of higher stats and chance of obtaining them when hatching. Post hatch/tame levels increase more than pre hatch/tame levels for most dinos, that is why you use 380 levels.