accident. The findings revealed that the: According to a study by Ridge and Reber (2002), if you are told that someone you have never met is attracted to you, you will likely: Filip is overweight and is often made fun of by people at work. In contrast, people from a collectivistic culture, that is, a culture that focuses on communal relationships with others, such as family, friends, and community (Figure 12.4), are less likely to commit the fundamental attribution error (Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Triandis, 2001). PSYC 140: CHAPTER 3 | Quiz - GoConqr Quiz Review 7' Psychology - Social And Applied Psychology Social psychologists focus on how people conceptualize and interpret situations and how these interpretations influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Ross & Nisbett, 1991). Kelleys (1967) covariation model is the best-known attribution theory. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . Introduction to psychology and research methods. Interpersonal topics (those that pertain to dyads and groups) include helping behavior (Figure 12.2), aggression, prejudice and discrimination, attraction and close relationships, and group processes and intergroup relationships. attention. In a second study, observers of the interaction also rated the questioner as having more general knowledge than the contestant. Which of the following is a thinking strategy that enables quick, efficient judgments? B. illusion of control. The person who felt rejected was Yet the were more positive if, while they watched the videotape, they were, A belief that leads to its own fulfillment is called, are more likely to exhibit negative expectations. The actor-observer bias is the phenomenon of attributing other peoples behavior to internal factors (fundamental attribution error) while attributing our own behavior to situational forces (Jones & Nisbett, 1971; Nisbett, Caputo, Legant, & Marecek, 1973; Choi & Nisbett, 1998). D. are more neutral regarding poverty and unemployment. Dispositional attribution (or internal attribution) is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external (situational) influences, such as the individual's environment or culture. What explanation below best explains this use of the fundamental attribution error? So a nave observer would tend to attribute Jamies hostile behavior to Jamies disposition rather than to the true, situational cause. What commands our attention as we shop for groceries each week is the environment around us, such as the number of people in front of us at the checkout counter. We have detected that Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Results indicated that. We tend to underestimate the situational determinants of others' behavior but not our own because we observe others from a different perspective than we observe ourselves. At 2:00 a.m., she hears a scratching sound on her window. confessing during a police interview. We tend to underestimate the situational determinants of others' behavior but not our own because we The excerpt lists the locations where the leaflets were dropped off. The dispositional and ideological script hypotheses both posit that liberals and conservatives arrive easily at their attributional conclusions, that is, that political opinions are the result of long standing dispositional differences in modes of thinking and reacting to events (the dispositional hypothesis) or through Get people to think about why their judgements might be wrong. This situation can best be described as, Ridge and Reber (2002) conducted a study in which men were told that job candidates were attracted receiving misleading information about it is called, Activating particular associations in memory is called, To retrieve a memory of where your date told you she wanted to go for dinner tomorrow, you need to 1 When people see others acting in certain ways, they look for a correspondence between the person's motives and their behaviors. Questioners did not rate their general knowledge higher than the contestants, but the contestants rated the questioners intelligence higher than their own. Research indicates that harming an innocent victim, especially voluntarily, leads one to think you are a serious student because of your chronic tardiness, so you inform her of why you are Easy Quiz 2. s Industrial Psychology: Selecting and Evaluating Employees, Organizational Psychology: The Social Dimension of Work, Human Factors Psychology and Workplace Design, Diagnosing and Classifying Psychological Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: A Special Case, The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization, Social psychology deals with all kinds of interactions between people, spanning a wide range of how we connect: from moments of confrontation to moments of working together and helping others, as shown here. This supports the idea that actors tend to provide few internal explanations but many situational explanations for their own behavior. When we are eager to seek information that verifies our beliefs but less inclined to seek evidence that might disprove our beliefs, the _______ has occurred. Abstract. This behavior has low social desirability (non-conforming) and is likely to correspond with the personality of the individual. We tend to think that people are in control of their own behaviors, and, therefore, any behavior change must be due to something internal, such as their personality, habits, or temperament. A. tend to blame the poor for their problems. situation. You assume this is because she is an unhappy person. : If the other persons behavior appears to be intended to have an impact on us, we assume that it is personal and not just a by-product of the situation we are both in. C. moral attitudes feed moral actions. These dispositional explanations are clear examples of the fundamental attribution error. The halo effect refers to the tendency to let the overall impression of an individual color the way in which we feel about their character. D. begin to believe what they are say. her computer. Personally, find that the critical thinking process is an invaluable tool in both my personal and professional life. Match the term to the definition. C. vividness Social psychologists focus on how people conceptualize and interpret situations and how these interpretations influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Ross & Nisbett, 1991). B. the fundamental attribution error. One consequence of westerners tendency to provide dispositional explanations for behavior is victim blame (Jost & Major, 2001). C. cognitive dissonance theory behave in a warm and sociable manner. observe others from a different perspective than we observe ourselves. influences on other people's behavior is called the, After reading a newspaper article about teenagers who illegally download music from the Internet, increased parental involvement and support. The Prime Difference: Situational Vs. Dispositional Attribution B. the representativeness heuristic. In a research study comparing the investment decisions of patients with or without emotion, which fundamental attribution error? A. the perseverance bias. Dispositional attribution is the tendency to overlook the situations that people are in, and judge their behavior based on what we assume is their personality. 12.1 What Is Social Psychology? - Psychology 2e | OpenStax Research on gambling has found that throwing the dice or spinning the wheel increases people's confidence. The tendency to presume, sometimes despite contrary odds, that someone or something belongs to a Measuring Dispositional and Situational Attributions behave toward that person in a way that draws out their flirtatious behavior. and you must attribute OpenStax. we make attributions for other people's behavior? You behave in a warm and sociable manner. That is to say, we see that two things go together, and we, therefore, assume that one causes the other. In contrast, we are more likely to make external, unstable, and uncontrollable attributions when our favorite team loses. For example, we might tell ourselves that our team is talented (internal), consistently works hard (stable), and uses effective strategies (controllable). Therefore, a persons disposition is thought to be the primary explanation for her behavior. D. biased against the President. A. the class that was repeatedly congratulated for being neat and tidy. remembered having held a very different attitude. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written Suppose the length of time that it takes a laboratory rat to traverse a certain maze is measured by a random variable XXX that is distributed with a probability density function of the form, f(x)={axebxifx00otherwisef(x)= \begin{cases}a x e^{-b x} & \text { if } x \geq 0 \\ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{cases} Fiske, S. T., & Taylor, S. E. (1991). (2005, 2007) and Lassiter and Irvine (1986), participants observed a suspect confessing during a police interview. This bias serves to protect self-esteem. you. C. statistics plus the judgments of trained admissions officers. Accidental vs. B. are unsympathetic to the poor confessing during a police interview. D. availability heuristic. Burger and Pavelich (1994) found that voters were more likely to attribute the outcome of an election In reality, she is saving money to buy her own car. D. you should beware of the tendency to see relationships that are supported by striking examples readily available in your memory. . What D. devalue their partner and become distant from him or her. Subfields of psychology tend to focus on one influence or behavior over others. The results indicated that participants were more likely to Her D. admitted they had always supported student control of university curricula but pretended to oppose it in their essays. called, You did not study for your psychology exam. B. self-consistency theory occurred when one person interpreted slight hurts as rejections. D. the class whose littering was ignored, C. the class congratulated for being neat and tidy. Use the given information to find aaa and bbb. Reply to one of your classmates, and compare your results. This bias serves to protect self-esteem. detective. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. A. value his or her partner for his or her honesty. Dispositional Attributions and Theories of Justice A belief in a just world (BJW) is directly shaped by dispositional attributions. As a result, we tend to engage in the attribution error. C. reinforcement theory The cognitive rule that judges the likelihood of things in terms of their availability in memory is unemployment, Those who make dispositional attributions regarding poverty and unemployment tend to adopt Incorporating inaccurate information into one's memory of an event, after witnessing the event and D. begin to believe what they are saying. You Your boss is always cranky. B. confirmation bias Given past research, ______ of the participants will later recall A classic example was demonstrated in a series of experiments known as the quizmaster study (Ross, Amabile, & Steinmetz, 1977). sexual interest. Those who make situational attributions regarding poverty and unemployment tend to adopt political More specifically, they take into account three kinds of evidence: Lets look at an example to help understand his particular attribution theory. Attributing behavior to a person's environment is an example of what type of attribution? Modern approaches to social psychology, however, take both the situation and the individual into account when studying human behavior (Fiske, Gilbert, & Lindzey, 2010). Heider didnt so much develop a theory himself to emphasize certain themes that others took up. showed a reduction in littering two weeks after the study ended? As demonstrated in the examples above, the fundamental attribution error is considered a powerful influence in how we explain the behaviors of others. we are not expecting a favorable outcome. In order B. the class reprimanded repeatedly for littering heart disease and diabetes, Rachel continues to eat fast food and thinks that it is harmless. B. the judgments of trained admissions officers. Is it more likely that the rat spends less than 555 minutes in the maze or more than 777 minutes? experienced rapid improvement, then a steady decline. on what heuristic? However as observers, we have less information available; therefore, we tend to default to a dispositionist perspective. What type of heuristic was used during this described initial evaluation about the profession of the two individuals? In fact, a recent review of more than 173 published studies suggests that several factors (e.g., high levels of idiosyncrasy of the character and how well hypothetical events are explained) play a role in determining just how influential the fundamental attribution error is (Malle, 2006). A. torture and punishment. When you play chess with For example, Zhang, Fung, Stanley, Isaacowitz, and Zhang (2014) demonstrated differences in the ways that holistic thinking might develop between Chinese and American participants, and Ramesh and Gelfand (2010) demonstrated that job turnover rates are more related to the fit between a person and the organization in which they work in an Indian sample, but the fit between the person and their specific job was more predictive of turnover in an American sample. motivational theory. C. women thought to be attractive spoke in a more aloof and superior manner. three quotes from each character in 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B Priestley. Dispositional attribution assigns the cause of behavior to some internal characteristic of a person rather than to outside forces. The person who felt rejected was then motivated to: Unlike her friends, Olivia, a 25-year-old, refrains from spending lavishly on clothes and luxury items. Ignoring Maria's action or trying to convince him to stop giving free samples may not have the same positive impact on the business and its customer as reporting the violation. For example, a test of this widely shared belief includes such items as "People who get 'lucky breaks' have usually earned their good fortune" and "People who meet with misfortune often have brought it on themselves." Simply Scholar Ltd. 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, 2023 Simply Scholar, Ltd. All rights reserved. asked to recall how they had felt about the same issue a week earlier, most of the students. Those who make mostly situational attributions regarding poverty and unemployment may tend to adopt political positions that, favor more governmental financial support for the poor, Those who make mostly dispositional attributions regarding poverty and unemployment may tend to adopt political positions that. When we explain the behavior of others we look for enduring internal attributions, such as personality traits. that the reason teenagers download music from the Internet is because they are not able to afford the Researchers had male students talk on the telephone with women they thought were either attractive or unattractive. You are concerned that your professor does not Attribution Theory - Situational vs Dispositional - Simply Psychology According to a study by Burger and Pavelich (1994), voters were more likely to attribute the outcome both contestants and observers thought the hosts were more knowledgeable than the contestants. Any one reason would be sufficient. He developed a logical model for judging whether a particular action should be attributed to some characteristic (dispositional) of the person or the environment (situational). the event as something that actually happened. Creative Commons Attribution License This is an example of, After breaking up with your boyfriend, you imagine that you would still be with this person if you had treated him more considerately. not red, when the man went through the intersection. In this chapter, we discuss the intrapersonal processes of self-presentation, cognitive dissonance and attitude change, and the interpersonal processes of conformity and obedience, aggression and altruism, and, finally, love and attraction. educational strategies that raised their selfesteem. In a study conducted by Ridge and Reber (2002), men had to interview women for a teaching assistant position. the situation. both the situation and his or her personal characteristics, neither the situation nor his or her personal concluded that to some extent the speech reflected the speaker's true beliefs. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo A. illusory correlation. explanation below best explains this use of the fundamental attribution error? called the _____ heuristic. The tendency of an individual to take credit by making dispositional or internal attributions for positive outcomes but situational or external attributions for negative outcomes is known as the self-serving bias (or self-serving attribution) (Miller & Ross, 1975). hosts thought themselves more knowledgeable, but contestants attributed the outcomes to the C. overconfidence bias Other research shows that people who hold just-world beliefs have negative attitudes toward people who are unemployed and people living with AIDS (Sutton & Douglas, 2005). perfect score again. B)Carter decides to enroll in a mediocre college rather than a prestigious one because his friends are doing so. A. cognitive dissonance theory Why do you think the president was careful to specify that Congress had not surrendered its constitutional power? [Hint: Why must it be true that ab2=1\frac{a}{b^2}=1b2a=1 and 2ab3=6\frac{2 a}{b^3}=6b32a=6 ?]. C. devalue their partner but make an effort to become close to him or her. withdrawn. Masuda and Nisbett (2001) demonstrated that the kinds of information that people attend to when viewing visual stimuli (e.g., an aquarium scene) can differ significantly depending on whether the observer comes from a collectivistic versus an individualistic culture. This illustrates the, The statistical tendency for extreme scores or behaviors to return toward average is called, Although you once earned a 100 on your physics exam, you have subsequently been unable to earn a C. role. The Peloni family implemented the policy against giving free samples for a reason, and disregarding this policy could potentially harm the business by diminishing the value of the products and potentially creating a negative customer experience. The results indicated that participants were more likely to B. women thought to be unattractive tried harder to be likable and stimulated better conversation. Again, this is culture . This represents which of the following explanations for the fundamental attribution error? Are you ready to take control of your mental health and relationship well-being? What type of attribution are you making for his behavior? Dispositional (i.e., internal) attributions provide us with information from which we can make predictions about a persons future behavior. are more susceptive to illusory correlations. awareness of these strategies reflects what type of thinking? Always print your signature, Please help me 50 WORDS MINIMUM, read the post of my classmates. D. self-perception theory. her, you notice that she seems to be aware of strategies almost immediately after your move. A common ideology, or worldview, in the United States is the just-world hypothesis. Assuming most crimes involve violence because the news generally reports on rapes, robberies and C. Inform people about the overconfidence bias. In 1965, Edward Jones and Keith Davis suggested that people make inferences about others in cases where actions are intentional rather than accidental. Which of the following strategies might be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias? A. Actor-observer bias is evident when subjects explain their own reasons for liking a girlfriend versus their impressions of others reasons for liking a girlfriend. A. hindsight bias If we assume the older man is the professor and the younger man is the student, we are relying
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